SWGReckoning Wikia

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Welcome to the Reckoning Wiki

Reckoning is a Pre-CU Star Wars Galaxies server powered by SWGEmu. Reckoning is staffed by experienced Pre-CU players whose common goal is to bring Pre-CU Star Wars Galaxies back to the masses while also striving to provide the best possible playing experience to our community. We firmly believe that Pre-CU did things right, our end goal is to take SWG Pre-CU and grow the experience. While we might add new items, features, content, and quests, we will never mess with or alter the core Pre-CU experience that our players are looking for.

Reckoning is one of the longest running, populated, and most stable AGPL compliant servers available today. With proven stability and longevity, we look forward to seeing our community continue to grow and flourish for many more years to come.

This wiki contains helpful game information and guides for the Reckoning Star Wars Galaxies server. Some of the information found on this wiki was taken from various sources around the web and adapted for the Reckoning galaxy.

